Friday, February 29, 2008

All Their Manipulated Acquisitions

Over on Ted's blog, he suggested we just tag ourselves with this meme, instead of waiting for someone else to do it. (Lots of life is like this, right?) So I'm tagging myself, and after this you tag yourself.

These are the meme rules:
  1. Look up page 123 in the nearest book.
  2. Look for the fifth sentence.
  3. Post the three sentences that follow that fifth sentence on page 123.

The book I have nearest to me is Business as Unusual by Charlie Vazquez, a fabulous queer punk writer here in New York City. Charlie and I are both included in Best Gay Erotica 2008--so not only should you check out his book, but check out ours, too. So, on to the sentences:
"Eleanor vowed to fight for the box's contents. Whatever mystery awaited us belonged to Benito and no one would have time to track us down. Chances were they were too busy with all their manipulated acquisitions to ever care."


Unknown said...

And then Daedalus, the maze, etc. As soon as the footlights came on, however, the production's nontraditional emphasis became clear. Because now they pranced onstage: the chorus girls.

Unknown said...

But I want to ask Mr. Snow this question: "Sir Charles, sir, if the scientists, technicians, researchers, whatever you wish to call them, are so happy in their work and so pleased with the world they are creating, why are they also and at the same time so earnestly devishing ever more efficient ways to blow it all to hell?" The mad scientist, once only a comic figure in a specialized branch of fiction, has not come luridly to life in a hundred thousand forms. Together, with his co-workers in big government, big industry, and the military, he dominates our lives.

Anonymous said...

"These foods contain a variety of protective compounds that can stop damage to the eyes before cataracts have a chance to form. The eyes are constantly being bombarded by free radicals, harmful oxygen molecules that are missing electrons and spend their lives looking for replacements. They grab extra electrons wherever they can, damaging healthy cells every time they strike."

Anonymous said...

Almost from birth he had been schooled in the ambient dangers and told they were real, not pretend or story. Warned not to breathe a word of the Guests to anyone, ever, no matter whom, he knew that if he slipped up, he, his parents, and everyone in the house would be murdered. What a heavy burden for a small child!