Thursday, February 26, 2009

Indigo Boys

My friend Alex created an entry for "Indigo Boy" in the Urban Dictionary. WOOT!

Back in the days of AOL--this was in my early teens, back when they actually charged something like $2.95 per hour to be connected to the internet, and I kept a tin of money near the computer, like a piggy bank of sorts--my email was "indigoboy6," though I don't remember there being 5 before me.
Indigo Boys:
Gay men who are emotionally connected to their sexuality, or basically, lesbians in men's bodies---political, Birkenstock-wearing, anti gym-culture, often vegetarian. Sensitive enough to listen to the Indigo Girls song "Closer to Fine" and maybe cry. As in: I went to the KD Lang show and it was all lesbians and Indigo Boys.

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